Has it been a year? How time flies.
A year ago I marked my re-entry into formal running events with the Curves to Curves 21.6km run. This year's event was sponsored by Vauthier, and I chose to do the half option which is a 13km run from Bunnythorpe back into town.
The day started out with blue skies even though the weather forecast had been predicting stormy rainy weather. On the bus We even joked about how wrong the weather people had been... but upon arrival at Bunnythorpe, the skies darkened considerably and we could see that rain was in store before the day is over.
It was drizzling slightly off and on when we started at 9.30am. But just as I arrived at Kelvin Grove, the heavens opened up and it simply poured with rain. By the time I reached the Bridle track, there were puddles everywhere.
Overall it was a good challenging run, and a good event with bananas and sausages for everyone at the finish.